日本財団 図書館

(2)Future Plans
Western Cape Province is the leading province in South Africa in terms of the education level and the diffusion of high degree job skills, and it is also a region of advanced urbanization. At the same time, in terms of topographical conditions, it is blessed with peerless scenery and diversity in that it possesses mountains, beautiful coastlines and fertile valleys, and so on, and its cities possess a rich cultural air borne of long history. Furthermore, as may be gathered from the name "the Kingdom of Flowers," the province is blessed with a rich variety of flora and is praised for its record in preserving natural and cultural resources. These resources deeply characterize living modes, the industrial sector and the still developing tourist sector in Cape Metropolitan Region, and it is widely regarded that attention needs to be turned to protecting and preserving such resources so that future generations may inherit them for use in further development.


2)Metropolitan Region Development Plans
The following five goals raised in the central government's Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) are also included in the development plans for the Cape Metropolitan Region:
Responding to basic needs
Educating and developing human resources
Economic development
National and regional democratization
Implementing the RDP plans
The specific means to attain these goals are contained in the Development Principles, Goals and Guidelines, which are composed of the following items:
a. Growth management based on balancing development with preservation, in particular, emphasizing the preservation of environmental and cultural resources
b. Regulation of urban expansion and maintenance of the potential of agricultural, recreational and environmental ecosystems
c. Housing development within the existing urban area where employment access conditions are good
d. Promotion of mixed land use that harmonizes living, recreational and commercial functions, and building of a transport system that links each




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